Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Questions on Islam

Please post any questions you might have for Zeyneb here (and bring them with you to class).


  1. Questions on Islam:

    1. Do you think there is an environmental crisis? If so, how do you view the Islamic and Muslim reactions to that crisis? What do you think is the reason for the difference between these two reactions?
    2. How do you connect your relationship with the natural world to your faith? Does your faith change the way you perceive and/or treat the environment?
    3. As a practicing Muslim, how do you view the Eastern religions which are often practiced in areas near Muslim communities, for example, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism?

  2. 1.) Do you think there is a gap between theory and practice in terms of Muslim action towards the environmental crisis?
    2.) What percentage of Muslims do you feel truly follow Islamic doctrine in regards to their treatment of the environment?
    3.) Do you feel that fasting during Ramadan is good for the environment?
    a. Which aspect of it do you feel has the largest positive impact?

  3. 1. Do you think Foltz’s proposition of better enfolding environmentalism into Islam (that is, pointing out the great connections between the two) is a good idea? Do you think environmentalism has to be made more “palatable” to the leadership and citizenry of Islamic nations?

    2. Many people ignorant of Islam are startled to find that the Qur’an recognizes the Old Testament and many important figures such as Jesus Christ. Once they learn of this, they are pleasantly surprised, and seem to become more open to learning about the religion. How do you think we can make it so that people—Americans in particular—become more educated about Islam (ex: not immediately associating it with solely terrorism and other misconceptions)?

    3. What do you think of France's burqa law?

  4. 1) How much of Islam is part of your daily life?

    2) How do you personally, view the environment in terms of Islam.

    3) What aspect of Islam is most important to you and why?

  5. First question: why do Muslims walk or run seven times around the Kaaba? Why not eight or nine times?

    Second question: the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle. Do Muslims think that moon is on the higher level than sun?

    Third question: why do you want to be a Muslim?

  6. 1. Do you think islamic views on the environment constitute a fundamental belief of the religion or can be interpreted in different ways by different followers?

    2. Do you think religion is a good mechanism through which we can raise awareness about the environment? Why or why not?

    3. Do you believe religion is on the rise or is becoming something of the past?

  7. 1) Could you explain this connection between the religion and the environment in terms of how it is a part of the way Muslims worship? (For example, how do the physical actions of praying connect to the environment?) How is the connection evident in the everyday lives of Muslims?

    2) Are mosques built in a way that the environment plays a role in the structure?

    3) A lot of Muslims now a days seem to pick and chose parts of Islam that they want to follow. How strictly do you follow Islam? (i.e. Do you pray five times a day everyday? Do you fast for all of ramadan?)

    Zoya Mufti

  8. How do you explain the discrepancies between teachings of the Qur'an and Sharia law?

    What is the general opinion of the radical extremists from the standpoint of a non-extremist?

  9. Does Islam emphasize the individual or the group more?

    Is there a significant mystical component to Islam?

  10. 1)Is there a difference between Sufi, Shi'a and Sunni views on the environment and what sect do you follow?

    2) How do you think the Islamic approach to the environment is different than the Jewish or Christian approach?

    3)Is there a disconnect between the religious leaders of Islam and the "lay" people in terms of environmental views?
